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Tips for Playing Esports


Finals are over and summer has begun but we are still social distancing. Video games and esports are still an option for entertainment and fun during these times stuck indoors. Here are some tips and tricks to playing some of today’s popular video games.

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Meditation and Reflection Resources


Transitioning to mostly staying indoors, doing our part to flatten the curve, has left us a lot of time to think. Thinking however, sometimes leads to overthinking, and overthinking sometimes leads to spiraling, anxious thoughts. Read on for relaxation tips and meditation resources that might help ease fear during this time.

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Focus vs. Control

Heading into week 5(?) of social distancing, we discuss how we're living during these times, including one of Darryl's main strategies: Don't focus on what you can control. What if you can't even focus?? Instead, work on focus and control separately. Tune in to learn more about this incredibly perceptive strategy to manage your stress and anxiety and to continue to be productive in unlikely environments. "

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Salt Lake City Running and Walking Routes

salt lake city walking route

The sun is starting to shine and the trees are starting to bloom! Quarantine may seem like the perfect time to start a running routine. Unfortunately, crowded parks and trails make it difficult to practice physical distancing to maintain 6 feet around yourself. Read more for tips and routes to try around the city!

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Last Updated: 12/5/23