Facility Rentals
If you are interested in renting space in the The Eccles Student Life Center, please review the General Rental Guidelines and submit the Rental Reservation Request below. For questions regarding rentals, please contact Tom Binz.
Tabling reservation requests are also submitted in the form below.
For more details including Rental Rates, Staffing Rates, and Equipment Fees please
see the drop down menus below:
*Space rentals do not include additional costs such as staffing, housekeeping, materials
protection, or security.
- Registered Student Organization (RSO). Must be registered with ASUU, officially recognized by the University of Utah and comprised exclusively by matriculated students.
- University Department. A recognized university department or organization that is entirely comprised of staff and/or faculty.
- Off-Campus Non Profit. A community organization that is incorporated, registered as an NPO, and is qualified to purchase the required certificate of insurance required by Risk Management.
- Off-Campus for Profit. A community organization that is incorporated or registered as an LLC and is qualified to purchase the required certificate of insurance required by Risk Management.
Registered Student Group | University Department | Off-Campus Non-Profit | Off-Campus Profit | |
3-court gym (High Courts) | $30/hour ($10/court/hour) |
$60/hour ($20/court/hour) |
$120/hour ($40/court/hour) |
$150/hour ($50/court/hour) |
2 Court Gym (Legacy Gym) | $30/hour($15/court/hour) | $40/hour ($20/court/hour) |
$80/hour (40/court/hour) |
$100/hour ($50/court/hour) |
Classroom (The HUB) | $0/hour | $30/hour | $45/hour | $60/hour |
Fitness Room | $25/hour | $40/hour | $60/hour | $80/hour |
Bouldering Wall(The Summit) | $60/hour | $90/hour | $120/hour | $150/hour |
Top Rope Wall (The Summit) | $30, must be paired with boulderingwall rental | |||
Pool (Crimson Lagoon) | ||||
50 Meter (6 Lanes) | $60/hour | $110/hour | $130/hour | $150/hour |
25 Yard (6 Lanes) | $40/hour | $90/hour | $110/hour | $130/hour |
Leisure Pool | $50/hour | $90/hour | $110/hour | $130/hour |
Outdoor Pool | $50/hour | $90/hour | $110/hour | $130/hour |
Pool Patio(Must be included with any outdoor pool rental) | $20/hour | $25/hour | $30/hour | $40/hour |
Racquetball Court | $15/hour | $20/hour | $25/hour | $30/hour |
Veranda (The Living Room) | $10/hour | $15/hour | $20/hour | $30/hour |
Outdoor Patio (Southwest or Northwest) | $30/hour | $40/hour | $80/hour | $100/hour |
Lobby/Concourse | $10/hour | $15/hour | $20/hour | $30/hour |
Entire Building | $600/hour | $600/hour | N/A | N/A |
Table/Promo | Free | $30 Daily | $35 Daily | $125 Daily |
Registered Student Organization | University Department | Off-Campus Non-Profit | Off-Campus Profit | |
Non-Lighted Rate | $40/hour | $60/hour | $110/hour | $150/hour |
Lighted Rate | $60/hour | $85/hour | $135/hour | $175/hour |
Registered Student Organization | University Department | Off-Campus Non-Profit | Off-Campus Profit | |
Non-Lighted Rate* | $8/hour | $10/hour | $15/hour | $20/hour |
Lighted Rate | $30/hour | $32/hour | $37/hour | $42/hour |
No rental necessary for self-directed play.
Lighting fee* | $22/hour |
*Amount is per court. Lighting charge is only applicable for the first court rental charge. Example: Off-Campus Profit group rental with lights is $42 for first court; any additional costs are the court rental charge only.
Registered Student Organization | University Department |
$25/hour | $25/hour |
- It is the sole responsibility of the rental group to reserve a space suitable for fitness classes and the number of expected participants (including but not limited to: audio/visual capabilities, open space with at least 6 sq.ft of room per person, clean flooring, and the ability to move without objects in the way).
- Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to pre-inspect the potential space and cancel the event for any reason.
- It is the sole responsibility of the rental group to ensure all reservation policies of the space they are hosting the fitness class are followed (including but not limited to reservation processes, clean-up processes, COVID-19 policies, and payment).
- The renter must submit documentation that their reservation has been confirmed to the Scheduling and Services Manager at least 2 weeks prior to the class.
- Campus Recreation Services may only bring fitness classes to spaces or rooms in buildings owned by the University of Utah, not leased or otherwise affiliated with the University of Utah.
- Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to decline an off-site fitness class request based on a number of factors including distance from the Eccles Student Life Center, instructor availability, or the availability of an off-site space.
- This off-site fee does not include instructor staffing costs, which will be factored in separately based on the length of class and travel time required.
Student/University Department | Staffing fee |
Special Event Staff | $19/hour |
Fitness Instructor | $20/hour |
Professional staff | $50/hour |
Custodial | $23/hour |
Non-Profit/Profit | Staffing fee |
Special Event Staff | $25/hour |
Fitness Instructor | $25/hour |
Professional staff | $50/hour |
Custodial | $23/hour |
Chairs | $0.50 each |
Tables | $2 each |
A/V Equipment | $18/hour Includes A/V System Tech |
Electronic Scoreboard | $18/hour Includes Timing System Tech |
Set-up fee where necessary | $100 |
Cleaning fee where necessary | $100 |
- To cancel a confirmed event, the group must notify CRS by calling 801-581-5189, Monday-Friday during business hours.
- Events cancelled more than two weeks in advance will not incur a cancellation penalty.
- Those events cancelled less than two weeks in advance will incur 100% of all rental charges.
- Groups that do not show for a confirmed event will incur 100% of rental and staffing costs.
- Additional fees will be charged to the group if reserved space is not cleaned properly following an event.
RENTAL policies AND guidelines
- Only registered student organization requests will be considered during the first two weeks of each semester. Eccles Student Life Center (ESLC) facilities are reserved in the order in which they are received.
- We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our Policies and Procedures.
- All individuals or groups using the ESLC shall follow all University and Campus Recreation Services (CRS) policies, regulations, guidelines, and all local, state, and federal laws.
- Organized/group activities must be approved in advance by CRS, or will be subject to the discretion of on-duty management. Use of facilities for paid instructional purposes or coaching is prohibited with the exception of recognized CRS programs.
- CRS will only consider facility requests that are appropriate to the facility design and must be recreational, athletic, or wellness based programs.
- All requests for space must be made at least 2 weeks in advance. For large events, requests must be made at least 30 days in advance.
- Space reserved for RSOs and University Departments is intended for matriculated U of U students or CRS Members.
- Participation by non-U of U students is prohibited unless permission is granted by CRS. CRS will determine appropriate protocol for admissions for events.
- All rental groups are responsible for the behavior of their members and guests and will be held liable for any personal injury or damage or theft of University property.
- CRS reserves the right to dismiss any individual if their behavior jeopardizes the safety and well-being of other users or facility.
- Groups are responsible for any damage which occurs as a result of improper behavior or misuse of equipment/facilities during the event. Group will be billed for costs associated with any special cleaning or maintenance required from damages.
- Groups are responsible for ensuring trash is disposed of properly upon conclusion of the event or additional fees will be charged.
- Rental of the ESLC also includes use of the locker rooms. These areas are subject to the same guidelines as reserved space.
- Additional needs such as scoreboards, heavy bags, stereo and AV equipment must be discussed prior to the event. There may be an additional charge for this equipment.
- Due to high demand, groups may be limited to no more than 2 hours per week.
- All University participants must present their valid UCard or CRS membership card for admittance to the event at the ESLC.
- Only written requests will be considered. Drop-in and phone reservations are not accepted.
- CRS reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any reserved space when warranted (maintenance, weather, etc.)
- Individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted use of any fitness equipment, cardiovascular and weights.
- CRS staff has the final authority in all decisions related to participant, spectator, and staff safety, potential facility damage, or non-compliance of facility and U of U policies and guidelines or staff requests. This includes the authority to modify or discontinue any activity. Group representatives are expected to support and assist the staff in all decisions.
- Groups that misuse facilities or violate policies of the University or CRS or the Rental Agreement will result in the loss of scheduling privileges.
- Except service animals, no animals are permitted at any CRS facility.
- No individual or group may release reserved space to another individual or group.
- The individual(s) listed on the Facility Request will be responsible for all guests and should act as the representative in charge of the rental. If this individual will not be in attendance, another representative must be designated prior to the event. Please communicate relevant policies to your group prior to event.
- CRS Facility Event staff will be assigned for each private event. Staffing requirements will be appropriate to the nature of event, number of participants, and are an additional fee.
- CRS staff and/or assigned event supervisors will complete authority in the ESLC.
- Facilities may only be reserved during non-peak times. These times are fluid in nature and CRS will make this determination on a case by case basis.
- Sport equipment may be rented or brought into facility with prior approval from CRS. For rental equipment, Group Representative is responsible for the return of equipment in a timely manner.
- Secure all personal property in lockers. Lockers may be rented from Gear Central on the lower level.
- Personal items such as shoes, bags, and clothing may not be left in general public areas or on activity floor spaces.
- Athletic, non-marking shoes must be worn in activity areas at all times.
- Shirts and appropriate sport clothing required in all dry side activity areas.
- Decorations may not compromise public safety or create risk of property damage and must be approved by CRS.
- Decorations must not interfere with access to entrances/exits.
- Decorations must be free standing, including signs. No tape, glue, tacks, or nails are permitted.
- No signage or decorations are permitted without prior approval from CRS. Details not listed or approved will not be permitted.
- No storage permitted. All sundry items must be removed at end of event.
- Please note that CRS does not supply extension cords, ladders, tape, power strips or other supplies.
- Food and beverages are only allowed in the entry level concourse. Only spill-proof, containing water, may be taken into activity areas. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Associate Director, Services. For non-recreation based events that require catering, Chartwells is the only approved vendor to provide this service in the SLC.
- RSOs and University departments and organizations may rent space in the entry level concourse and outdoor patio areas on a limited basis.
- These tables may only provide information that is relevant and consistent with the mission and values of the University and CRS, such as recruitment of members, fund-raise for a campus department, club, or organization, or other benevolent causes that promote programs or services. No solicitation is allowed.
- All materials must be kept on top or underneath the table and removed at the end of reservation.
- CRS is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property.
- Groups that misuse facilities or violate policies or CRS or the Rental Agreement will no longer be permitted to reserve space.
- Requests for use of the ESLC are based on the following factors:
- Only camps sponsored by a University department or organization will be considered
- Facility/space availability
- Compatibility of activity with facility use, function, and regulations
- Health and safety considerations for participants and potential damage to facility
- Application Request for use must be submitted 30 days prior to camp.
- The sponsoring organization shall assume full responsibility for conduct of any participant, guest, or spectator who attends the camp it is sponsoring.
- CRS is not responsible for accidents, injury or loss of individual property.
- Supervision of camp’s minor participants will be a 1/8 ratio for ages 6-9 and 1/10 ratio for ages 10-17. Sponsoring organization is responsible for providing camp supervisors. Minors must be supervised by an adult at all times in facility.
- Appropriate clothing and shoes must be worn. Athletic shoes are required. No sport sandals or open-toed shoes.
- No food or drink (other than water) is allowed.
The USER agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the University, its agents or employees from any and all injury, damage, or loss to persons or property that results from or is in any way connected with the use of University property by the USER or USER’s agents, guests, invitees, volunteers, performers, employees, providers, contractors and subcontractors, except where such injury, damage or loss is caused by the sole negligence of the University. Further, the USER agrees to provide a certificate of insurance for Commercial General Liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence that lists the University of Utah as an additional insured. USER may also be required to provide evidence of other insurance coverages that are reasonable based on USER’s operations. The insurance provisions herein may only be waived by the Campus Recreation Services Department in consultation with the University Risk and Insurance Manager. The indemnification obligations of this paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement.Facility Rental Reservation Request Form
Please note that processing takes time and that standard requests submitted, at minimum, 1 month advance of the requested date may not be considered. Tabling events may be submitted 2 weeks advance of requested date.
We will respond within one week of submission of request form. Completion of your
request does not guarantee a reservation. Requests are not approved until a confirmation
email from the scheduling team has been received.
Agreement for use of Facilities
- Our group agrees to abide by all University of Utah and Campus Recreation Services (CRS) rules and regulations that apply to the reservation and use of CRS facilities.
- Our group understands that CRS reserves the right to cancel reservations because of inclement weather (or threat of inclement weather) when departmental officials feel such action is warranted to ensure the safety of participants. We understand that all outdoor activities are to cease immediately and participants instructed to seek shelter upon the first warning of severe weather.
- Our group accepts responsibility for all costs associated with the repair/replacement of equipment/property that may be damaged as a result of our use of CRS facilities.
- Our group understands a 50% deposit is required at the time of reservation and will be invoiced for all charges, including use fees, staffing, and custodial fees, as applicable and agreed upon in advance, as well as any charges resulting from damages to property or equipment, and that payment is due within two weeks of the invoice date. Late payments are subject to penalty.
- Our group understands that completion of an Assumption of Risk and Release from Liability by individual participants may also be required, in addition to the organization’s certificate of insurance.