In order to provide a positive experience for all guests, we ask that you follow the simple rules and guidelines that have been implemented for your saftey. Campus Recreation Services (CRS) reserves the right to implement any of the following rules or guidelines in order to protect the health, safety, experience, and well-being of all Eccles Student Life Center (ESLC) guests:
Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participating in Campus Recreation Services activities. Individuals participate in Campus Recreation Services programs and use facilities at their own risk.
General guest guidelines and policies
All currently enrolled UU students and CRS members must present their valid ID to enter ESLC. We do this to keep you and your identity safe. Double check to make sure you have your ID before you leave and put it back in the same place every time so you never have to miss a workout.
The UCard holder is responsible to maintain adequate security related to use of services associated with the UCard. The rights and privileges associated with the UCard are not transferable. IDs used to gain illegal entrance into CRS facilities or programs will be considered misconduct and theft of services. Misuse of UCard privileges will result in:
First Offense: ID will be confiscated and a $15 fine assessed. The ID will be returned when fine is paid.
Second Offense: ID will be confiscated and a $20 fine assessed. The ID will be returned when the fine is paid. CRS privileges will be suspended for 90 days during either enrollment and/or membership.
Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please secure personal items in lockers or cubbies and do not leave unattended in the ESLC.
Lost and Found is located at Gear Central, lower level. All items will be held for two weeks, after which point they will be taken to University Surplus. Personal items such as soap, razors, underwear, and washcloths will be disposed of immediately due to sanitary health reasons.
Unless placed in lockers or cubbies, backpacks, duffel bags or other personal items left unattended by guests will be considered abandoned and taken to Lost and Found.
Clean and dry, non-marking, textured sole, closed-toed shoes are required in all activity spaces throughout the ESLC. Tap and high heeled shoes are not allowed on any of the wood floors. Cleats are not allowed in the facility. Shower shoes are recommended in the locker room and pool areas.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Bare skin contact on equipment is not recommended. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes
with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro. Open-toe shoes, flip flops,
Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited.
Student Life Center members and guests are required to use the locker room or other
changing room that matches their sex as assigned at birth, unless they have both:
- Changed the gender on their birth certificate.
- Undergone a primary sex characteristic surgical procedure (bottom surgery).
Those who have not amended their birth certificates or undergone surgery may still
use all-gender restrooms and single-stall shower rooms available outside the Crimson
Lagoon Pool.
Due to the potential for electronics to be used as a photographic devise, their use is prohibited in all locker rooms and restrooms.
No outside personal training and/or instruction is allowed. Only a CRS staff member may provide these services. Providing these services may result in dismissal from the ESLC and loss of privileges.
No pets other than service animals are allowed in the ESLC.
Any filming, photography or postings in the ESLC must be pre-approved by the Manager of Marketing. Filming and photography requests must submit a Media Access Request. Postings must be printed and submitted to the Membership desk for approval.
No recreational activities are allowed in lobbies or hallways.
Modification of equipment is not permitted.
Only personal entertainment devices are allowed.
Moving furniture is prohibited.
Chewing gum is not permitted in the ESLC. It is a health and safety risk.
Children over the age of 3 are not allowed in opposite sex locker rooms. Please use the Universal Change Rooms, located on the lower level.
Spitting on the floors and walls is prohibited and will result in loss of privilege in CRS programs and facilities. Please use trash cans located throughout the ESLC.
No food or glass containers are allowed past the turnstiles. Fluids are permitted if contained in a plastic sports bottle with a secured top.
Please report any facility, equipment, and/or injuries to the CRS staff immediately.
Soliciting to gain access to the ESLC is prohibited.
CRS reserves the right to refuse admittance to or to request individuals to leave the facility.
Strollers are restricted to public hallways and restrooms and are not allowed in activity areas
Personal transportation items such as bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, and in-line skates are prohibited within the ESLC. Racks are located outside the facility to secure items. Personal transportation items are not allowed to be parked/locked on railings, signs, or benches.
As a courtesy to other guests, cell phones should only be used in common areas such as lobbies and hallways.
All CRS facilities and equipment will be used for official departmental programs and not for business or personal gain. No individual (faculty, staff, student or non-university related person) shall sell any item or service in the ESLC.
Organized programs have priority over self-directed recreation.
The Scheduling Manager has responsibility for scheduling facilities. Unauthorized, nonscheduled or nonconforming uses will not be permitted. The use must be appropriate to the nature and purpose of the facility.
Any member, department, or organization within or outside the University may file a request to rent facilities. Please see Rental page for further information.
Small groups (4 or less) wishing to use a single area (i.e. track) may do so when participation is low. Fill out the Facility Rental Request form for groups.
Good sporting behavior is the participant’s responsibility. Participant is responsible to monitor the safety level of the play. Self-control must be maintained. One warning will be issued for unsportsmanlike behavior. If play reaches harmful levels, Campus Police will be called. Disruptive behavior may lead to the suspension of CRS privileges.
Membership(s) may be terminated for violations of CRS policies/procedures or for failure to comply with reasonable direction and requests of CRS personnel.
Participant responsibility
Acts of inappropriate behavior are not permitted. These include, but are not limited to the following:
Failure to comply with posted guidelines for all individual areas, including those located on the CRS web site.
Furnishing false or misleading information to any CRS staff member.
Failure to comply with reasonable directions and requests of CRS personnel
Forgery, alteration or misuse of any CRS document, record, fund or University ID. This includes utilizing another ID for entrance into CRS programs or facilities.
Any person in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and/or University policies, rules or regulations.
Intentional disruption or obstruction of CRS activities.
Use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverage of any type in CRS facilities except as permitted by law and University regulations.
Physical or verbal assault, sexual harassment, hazing, threats, intimidation, coercion or any other behavior which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any member of the University community or any other person while on CRS premises, at CRS activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local ordinance.
Attempted or actual theft, damage or misuse of CRS property or resources.
Violation of published University policies, rules or regulations.
Unauthorized or improper use of any CRS property, equipment, facilities, or resources, including unauthorized entry into any CRS area, building or premises.
Use, possession or distribution of any narcotic or other controlled substance on CRS premises, at CRS activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local ordinance, except as permitted by law and University regulations.
Violation of federal, state or local civil or criminal laws on University premises, while participating in University activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local ordinance.
Violation of published University policies, rules or regulations.
Violation of any of the above may result in any or all of the following:
- Suspension from CRS facilities and programs and/or revocation of membership
- Referral to the Dean of Students Office
- Referral to the Student Disciplinary Committee
- Referral to Campus Police
- Referral to the Academic Senate
- Referral to Human Resources
All Campus Recreation Services (CRS) facilities and programs are primarily intended for use by adults; therefore, for the safety and well-being of all guests, the following guidelines are in effect for children.
Children of matriculated students and/or staff and faculty, under age 18 and living with parents or legal guardians, may purchase a membership and/or daily guest pass during family hours only.
The parent/legal guardian will be held responsible for the actions and behavior of their children and all other CRS policies apply to children during Family Hours. The rights and privileges associated with a Children’s Membership are not transferable. Failure of the parent/legal guardian to adhere to all policies will result in the following:
- Suspension from CRS facilities and programs and/or revocation of Children’s Membership
- Referral to the Dean of Students Office
- Referral to the Student Disciplinary Committee
Children are allowed in the ESLC during scheduled Family Hours.
Children must be participating with and directly supervised by their parent or legal guardian while in CRS facilities.
Students, faculty, and staff may sponsor brothers, sisters, children, significant others, parents and grandchildren by paying the guest fee and adhering to policies for children.
If bringing a child with you who is of the opposite sex and 3+ years old, please use the all-gender restrooms and single-stall shower rooms available outside the Crimson Lagoon Pool.
May only participate in non-contact, non-competitive sports such as badminton, racquetball, Wally ball, and non-competitive basketball, soccer or volleyball.
Available activities and activity areas for children include:
- Crimson Lagoon
- Racquetball Courts
- High Courts
- Legacy Gym
- Summit
- Shoreline Trail
Children under 18 years of age are not allowed access to the following: free weights, cardio equipment, Sport Clubs, equipment and/or locker rental, Intramural Sports, Fitness Program classes, Outdoor Adventure Trips, Personal Training, and Fit3D Body Scanner.
Family swim guidelines
- Please follow and comply with all general pool rules, guidelines and lifeguard instructions.
- Children must be 6 months or older to participate.
- Children 14 years and younger may not use the spa. This includes children sitting on the edge and/or dangling their feet in the water.
- Swim diapers are required for children who are not potty trained. Children are required to wear a swim diaper, plastic pants, and a swimsuite in the pool. This is known as the 3-layer rule. Swim diapers and plastic pants can be purchased at Gear Central.
- If a child is not able to move in the water without feet touching the bottom or needs to wear a life-jacket, the child is considered a non-swimmer.
- Non-swimmers of any age under 18 must be within an arm’s reach in water and assisted at all times by an adult (18+).
- While in the Crimson Lagoon children age 7 and younger must have an adult (18+) in the water with them. Children age 5 and younger must have an adult at no less then arm’s length distance. One (1) adult may only supervise up to two (2) children ages 5 and younger.
- For those children who are swimmers 8 years and older the ratio is 4 children per adult. The adult (18+) must be able to directly observe the children.
- Children under the age of 18 may participate in lap swimming if they are a strong enough swimmer to participate in continual lap swimming. Lifeguards will issue a swim test to determine eligibility. Criteria: child must be able to swim 2 continuous lengths of the pool using the freestyle stroke with a strong kick and rhythmic breathing.
- Coast Guard approved and labeled lifejackets designed to provide vertical support may be worn. Water wings (“swimmies”) may not be worn. No back floats, bubbles, rings (including those built into bathing suits) or one-sided floatation devices are permitted.
- Please do not dress or change children’s diapers in the pool area. Please use the universal locker room.
The Summit
All policies and procedures of The Summit still apply during family climbing hours.
Children (Age 5 – 13)
- Must be at least 5 years old to participate.
- Must be with a parent/legal guardian at all times.
- Are not allowed to belay or use the climbing wall; bouldering wall only.
- Must be under direct supervision by their parent/legal guardian at all times (within arm’s reach).
- Lead climbing is not allowed.
Youths (Age 14 – 17)
- Able to top rope or lead belay upon successful completion of The Summit belay qualification(s).
- May lead climb upon successful completion of lead belay qualifications.
Parents/Legal Guardians
- Must pass The Summit’s top rope or lead belay qualifications to belay for other family members.
- Must supervise family members age 13 and under.
- Only two family members ages 13 and under can be supervised per parent/legal guardian.
- Is open for all family members ages 5 and older during family climbing hours.
- Spotting is not required, but it is highly encouraged.
- Belay qualifications do not apply to bouldering.
Guests with a service animal (which, under the ADA, may be a dog or a miniature horse) entering the facility will be asked the following questions by Membership Services Student Staff – unless it is obvious what service the animal provides.
- Is this a service animal required because of a disability?
- What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation, or ask that the dog demonstrate its work or task.
Service animals in training do not need to be accompanied by an individual with a disability.
Note: Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are not considered service animals.
All guests with service animals who enter the building must adhere to the following guidelines and relevant applicable University policies:
- They must keep the service animal with them at all times and under control.
- They must keep the service animal on a leash – unless the leash interferes with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents the use of a leash.
- Guests may be requested to reposition a service animal that may be interfering with the safe passage on a walkway provided the service animal is not currently performing a service or task.
- They must not leave the animal alone at any time.
- If rock climbing at the Summit or swimming in the pool the service animal should remain in sight of the owner, under control, and not in an area that blocks egress
- They must not tie the animal to a machine/weight or other physical part of the facility at any time.
A guest will be asked to remove the animal from the facility immediately if any of the following occur:
- The animal is not with the guest
- The animal is out of control and the guest does not take effective action to control it
- The animal is not housebroken and defecates or urinates in the facility
- The animal is not on a leash, or otherwise under the guest’s control if the leash interferes with the animal’s work or the guest’s disability prevents use of a leash
- The animal is tied up unattended
If any of the following occur, the guest may be prevented from bringing the offending service animal to the facility for a period of time or permanently, depending on the circumstances and after consultation with the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO): Contact information is: oeo@utah.edu or 801-581-8365.
- The animal urinates or defecates in the building (guest is responsible for acknowledging, cleanup and payment for any damage caused)
- The animal jumps on or bites a person
- Recurring issues with the same animal/trainer that are not resolved
(If an animal is excluded from the facility, the name of the guest and description or identification of the offending animal will be placed on a form maintained at Membership Services).
Note:If a service animal is running on the track with the guest, the animal must be running in control at the guest’s side. Playing fetch is not allowed.
Membership services
For reasons of equity, saftey, and security, the following guidelines assure that only eligible individuals use facilities and programs. Eligible participants include the following:
Matriculated students paying the Recreation Fees with tuition and UCard are eligible to participate in all CRS programs.
Student Extensions
Students who were matriculated (i.e. paid the Recreation Fees) the previous semester must present documentation from previous semester enrollment.
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff may purchase either a six-month or annual membership. Part-time employees are not eligible for payroll deduction. Payment may be made by cash, check, credit/ debit card, or payroll deduction.
Correspondence Study Students
Current enrollment documentation required.
Fort Douglas
Fort Douglas must be active duty or personnel permanently assigned. Must present documentation of employment.
U Alumni and their significant others may purchase CRS memberships at the faculty/staff
rates. There is a limit of 300 alumni memberships and dependents are not eligible. Alumni
will need to display their digital U Alumni ID—available on the Utah Alumni smartphone app—in order to pay the guest fee without a sponsor or purchase a membership. Otherwise,
they must be sponsored by a current student or CRS member and pay the guest fee. Please
email https://ulink.utah.edu/s/1077/23/home.aspx with any questions about Alumni Association membership or the Utah Alumni app.
We verify availability at the beginning of each month. Call 801-581-8898 for availability
or to be added to the waiting list. Day passes are available for $8/each.
Significant Other
Requires proof of cohabitation. Primary member must have current CRS membership. Eligible members include: students paying the Recreation Fees, staff, faculty, alumni, Fort Douglas, retirees/emeritus, and President’s Club.
Children of staff, faculty, and matriculated students, under the age of 18 and living at home, are eligible to purchase a membership.
Please refer to Children’s Policy for all other guidelines.
Must present written verification from the sponsoring department. This includes individuals living in residence halls for short periods of time, providing short term service and/or employment at the University.
Guest Pass
See guidelines below.
Donor Club Members
Selected levels of donors are eligible to purchase membership after presentation of required documentation.
Individuals must provide a UU ID which lists status as Emeritus/Retiree.
Veteran Employees
Individuals must provide an ID with veteran status (i.e. Uniformed Service ID or Veterans ID).
Campus Rec Member Requiring Assistance
Campus Recreation welcomes members who require a Personal Care Assistant for support when utilizing the Student Life Center. A Personal Care Assistant may have access to the Student Life Center by accompanying the student/member/ patron and is not required to purchase a membership to support a member's personal care related to daily living. This includes, but is not limited to personal hygiene, eating, walking, dressing, and transfer in and out of a wheelchair or assisted device, as well as assistance getting to and from Eccles Student Life Center (ESLC) facilities.
It is the responsibility of the student or member to provide for the cost, coordination and monitoring/supervising of a personal care assistant.
To request accommodations, student members may contact the Center for Disability and Access. Faculty and staff may contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX. Other members may email Membership Services Manager, at the Eccles Student Life Center to request accommodation and to set-up access.
Membership guidelines
A valid Ucard or CRS membership card must be presented to CRS personnel when entering a facility, participating in an activity, or renting equipment. Ucards and CRS passes are nontransferable.
Please refer to General Policies for guidelines.
Forgotten ID
Membership Services staff will verify membership and allow access two (2) times per semester for students and CRS Members who forget their UCard and/or CRS membership card. A non-refundable five-dollar fee is required for access after the (2)-time limit.
Children of staff, faculty, and matriculated students, under the age of 18 and living at home, are eligible to purchase a membership. Please refer to Children’s Policy for all other guidelines.
Guests are considered individuals who have not paid the activity fees or purchased a CRS membership or does not have proper identification.
Students, faculty, and staff may sponsor up to 3 guests, brothers, sisters, children, significant others, parents and grandchildren by paying the guest fee and adhering to policies.
Guest may not participate in Intramural Sport programs or activities.
The primary cardholder (sponsor) must be in the facility and participating with guests at all times. Sponsors are responsible for the actions, behavior and any damage caused by their guests.
Guests must follow all rules and policies as posted, printed, or directed by the CRS staff.
Guests under 18 years of age must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
Eligible Dates
For memberships purchased with cash, check, or credit card, effective membership expires on last day of month.
Memberships on payroll deduction and monthly payments will continue until CRS is notified that member would like to cancel membership. Cancellation may be completed on CRS website. There is a $25 cancelation fee for an annual membership, canceled within 30 days from date of purchase.
Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is highly recommended that you rent a single use or long term locker to store your valuables.
Student and annual locker rental is available at Membership Services.
Single use lockers and towel purchase is available at Gear Central.
All lockers are available for rent on a first come, first serve basis.
Personal items left in lockers at the end of the rental contract period are held in Lost and Found for four weeks. After four weeks, items will be sent to University Surplus.
Lockers must be renewed or cleared by the last day of the rental contract or a $5 clearing fee is charged to locker holder.
Personal items cleared such as soap, razors, underwear, and washcloths will be disposed of immediately due to sanitary health reasons.
Do not leave your personal belongings in activity or public access areas such as floors, benches, or ledges.
Single use lockers must be cleared by the end of business hours. Items left in single use lockers will be removed and placed in Lost and Found for two weeks.
Participants must bring their own towels. Towels are only available for purchase, not rental.
Student semester lockers are available for rental the first day of classes each semester at Membership Services on a first come first serve basis. Students must be currently enrolled in credit classes to be eligible.
Locker Punch Cards are available as a service by paying a one-time fee and receiving 15 options of a single use locker rental by receiving a punch for each use. This card will give the guest a discount from the regular single use locker price. The punch card is non-refundable.
Indoor facilities
Equipment rentals
- One-night and same-day reservations are not allowed.
- Reservations for all gear (not including boats) may be made 7 days before pickup.
- Maximum rental period for all gear is 14 days.
- Equipment must be returned no later than one hour before OA closes to avoid Late Fees.
- The renter is responsible for loading/unloading and securing their equipment, OA staff are not available to help with this process.
- Cleaning Fees, Damage Fees, and/or Replacement Fees may be assessed if the Equipment is not returned in the same condition it was in when checked out.
- The person whose name is on the rental contract must be present at the time of pick-up and return.
- Please refrain from using any phones or devices when talking with an Outdoor Adventures staff member.
- No Cash is accepted from General Public patrons. All transactions must be paid with a credit/debit card (Apple Pay & Tap accepted)
- Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to suspend or revoke rental privileges to any patron permanently or for a designated period of time for any inappropriate use of equipment or in violation of the policies and procedures.
Cooperative Adventure Trips
Only current U of Utah students, faculty or staff are permitted on Outdoor Adventure Trips. Each valid participant may bring one guest along on the trip. Guests must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Any U of U student under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign a liability waiver in order to participate.
In compliance with University of Utah policies, no firearms, alcohol or controlled substances are permitted on Outdoor Adventure Trips.
- Use of the Summit is restricted to current University of Utah students, staff, faculty or alumni with a Campus Recreation Services membership (with the exception to special events). Guests are allowed when participating with one of the allowed users after paying the Campus Recreation Services guest fee.
- Climbing is not allowed without proper protection. Exception: bouldering. During bouldering only times, no Supervisor is on Duty. Climbers participate at your own risk!
- No food or drink is permitted in the Summit except water in a re-sealable container.
- No loose chalk is allowed. Chalk socks in a chalk bag are acceptable.
- Patrons are allowed to use personal climbing gear including harness, climbing shoes, assisted belay device (such as a GRIGRI), lead climbing rope, and chalk bags. Climbing Wall Specialists hold the right to prohibit the use of personal equipment. No unassisted belay devices will be permitted.
- Climbing shoes are required at all times while actively climbing on any surface in the Summit.
- All belayers must use Pull Brake Under Slide (PBUS) method of belaying.
- If a patron desires to Top Rope Belay or Lead Belay/Climb they must pass a skills test with a climbing partner and be verified by a Climbing Wall Specialist.
- Belayers must identify their qualification level while in the Summit as Top Rope belayer and/or Lead belayer by wearing the appropriate card on their climbing harness. No belayer cards are needed for bouldering.
- Lead climbers must provide their own UIAA approved single dynamic rope that is a minimum of 35 meters in length and belay using an assisted breaking device (ie: Petzl Gri-Gri) for the appropriate rope diameter while lead belaying.
- Only Climbing Wall Specialists are allowed to adjust or rearrange climbing holds and set routes.
- Only Climbing Wall Specialists and Outdoor Adventures staff may provide training, testing and instruction. Patrons providing these services may be asked to leave the facility.
- Patrons age 17 and under must be accompanied and directly supervised by a parent or legal guardian in the Summit at all times (with the exception to special events).
- The use of digital equipment is prohibited in the Summit if you are climbing, belaying, or receiving instruction.
- Please be courteous and respectful to other participants and bystanders. Notify Climbing Wall Specialists of unsafe behaviors and/or potentially unsafe equipment or fixtures.
- Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to suspend or revoke Summit access to any patron permanently or for a designated period of time for any conduct that is deemed unsafe, inappropriate or in violation of the policies and procedures.
- No topping out on the bouldering wall
Lifeguards have final authority on all matters in the Crimson Lagoon.
The Emergency Alert System is one long whistle blast. All members must leave the pool immediately.
The use of any part of aquatic facilities is prohibited unless supervised by a CRS lifeguard or other certified CRS aquatic staff person(s).
An announcement over the PA will be used to notify members when there is 15, 10 and 5 minutes left in recreational swimming. A final announcement will be made at the time of closing. At that time members must exit the pool.
Admission to the pool may be denied for any of the following reasons:
- When an individual is apparently unable to care for themselves
- Intoxication
- Evidence of contagious disease
- Open sores/wounds
- Excessively revealing swim suits
- Any condition or evidence, which in the opinion of the CRS staff will jeopardize the health and safety of the general public.
Persons with Band-Aids to cover an open (unhealed) wound will not be permitted in the pool.
Any adult or child who is experiencing even a mild case of diarrhea may not use the pool. Persons with diarrhea should wait two weeks after symptoms end before returning to the pool. Pathogens of concern may still be shed up to two weeks following the end of symptoms.
Showering is required of all members before entering pools or whirlpool. The lifeguard staff has the authorization to request anyone to take a cleansing shower before entering pool or whirlpool.
Suntan oils may not be used by sunbathers or swimmers. The use of sunscreen is encouraged; however, members must shower before re-entering the pool.
Bathing suits should cover appropriate body parts and must be on correctly.
Only CRS staff will be authorized to teach swimming lessons within our facilities. No activity for private gain is permitted at any time. Parents, in order to assist us in offering a quality program for your child, we ask that you do not remain at water’s edge during the class unless specifically requested by an instructor (e.g. Parent/Child lessons). Experience has shown that children are easily distracted by their parents due to their short attention spans.
Kickboards are for kicking laps in the designated lap lanes only. No other use is allowed.
Clean and proper swimming attire is required at all times. No cut-offs, gym shorts, compression shorts or other attire is allowed.
Changing clothes on the deck is prohibited.
No glass containers, food, or drink (except water in plastic, re-sealable water bottles) are permitted in the pool areas. Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere in the pool area for health and safety reasons.
Only towels, deck footwear, and items necessary for swimming are allowed on deck areas. All other personal items must be stored in a locker or in cubbies on the pool deck.
Swim diapers are required for children who are not potty trained. Children are required to wear a swim diaper, plastic pants, and a swimsuite in the pool. This is known as the 3-layer rule. Swim diapers and plastic pants can be purchased at Gear Central.
Non swimmers will not be permitted in water deeper than their shoulders.
The lifeguard staff may require a person to demonstrate their swimming ability.
Coast Guard approved and labeled lifejackets designed to provide vertical support may be worn. Water wings (“swimmies”) may not be worn. No back floats, bubbles, rings (including those built into bathing suits) or one-sided floatation devices are permitted.
Full face snorkel masks are not allowed for children or adults as they block airways. Adults and children may use partial face covering snorkel masks or goggles with non-breakable lenses provided they are properly used.
Headphones/earbuds must be worn when listening to entertainment devices.
Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, offensive or disruptive splashing or yelling, diving or jumping without care and caution, snapping of towels, improper conduct causing undue disturbances on or about the pool area or any acts which would endanger any member are prohibited.
Soft Nerf/foam toys may be used in the leisure pool only during non-peak hours (determined by lifeguard staff). These toys must be used in a safe manner and not endanger any swimmer. Tennis balls, footballs, squirt guns, etc. are not allowed.
Spitting, spouting water, blowing nose, urinating or defecating in the pool is prohibited. Avoid swallowing pool water or even getting it in your mouth.
Do not hang or sit on accessible lifts when they are not in operation.
Organized groups must follow CRS policies and must be directly supervised at poolside by an adult in swim attire. All groups must schedule their visits in advance.
Staff are the only persons allowed in first aid rooms, filter room, chemical storage areas and offices.
Smoking and vaping is not permitted.
Do not engage the lifeguard in unnecessary conversation.
Emergency procedures must be observed. Swimmers must leave the pool area immediately upon the signal or request of the lifeguard or CRS staff member.
Recreational swim hours may be affected for home football game days, special events and national holidays.
Lightning’s behavior is random and unpredictable. Outdoor water must be cleared of all swimmers at the first clap of thunder or lightning, or any other dangerous weather condition. The pool must remain cleared for 30 minutes after the last clap or sign of thunder or lightening. Members must remain out of the water and inside the pool area building (not outside), if the weather worsens, the pool area must be vacated.
While closing a pool for any reason is an inconvenience, keeping you safe should never come secondary and is always our priority.
Indoor pools will not be affected during times of lightning and thunder, but if a storm worsens, the guards are able to close all pools.
50-meter pool maximum bather load: 315 persons
Lap lanes are to be used only by a person swimming laps or water walking.
Lanes with three or more swimmers are required to circle swim. Please keep to the far right hand side of the lane. The traffic pattern in the lap lanes is the same as the traffic pattern for cars. Please pass quickly and courteously. If you are being passed, please move to the far right side of the lane to allow room for passing. If you are being followed closely, it is courteous to wait and let the faster swimmer pass at the wall. Lifeguards may ask to move you to another lane to more closely match your swimming pace
Children may participate in the appropriate lane and follow the circle swim pattern. Children under the age of 18 are only allowed to swim during designated family swim hours in the family swim area, unless they are a strong enough swimmer to participate in continual lap swimming. Lifeguards will issue a swim test to determine eligibility, if required. Criteria: child must be able to swim 2 continuous lengths of the pool using the freestyle stroke with a strong kick and rhythmic breathing.
No diving in depths under 9ft. All individuals must use a feet first entrance in all other areas.
Swimming under the bulkhead or between lanes is strictly prohibited.
Members are not allowed to walk across the bulkhead.
Do not hang on the lane lines.
No extended breath holding allowed. Swimming longer than (20 yards) roughly 1/3 of the 50m pool underwater is not permitted. Competitive or repetitive breath holding can be deadly and is not permitted. Hyperventilation is absolutely not permitted.
Public displays of affection are not allowed in the pool. This includes any touching in a romantic or sexual way.
Activity Pool maximum bather load: 82 persons
Diving and jumping into the water is not allowed.
Children are only allowed during Family Swim hours.
Please do not hang on volleyball net or basketball hoops when used.
Food is not allowed in any of the indoor pools.
Public displays of affection are not allowed in the pool. This includes any touching in a romantic or sexual way.
Outdoor maximum bather load: 57 persons
Diving and jumping into the water is not allowed.
Children are only allowed during Family Swim hours.
Please do not hang on volleyball net when used.
Rain can make it difficult to see the bottom of a pool or beneath the surface. If rain causes bottom obstruction, pools will be cleared and halted until the rain lets up. Wind can also cause safety hazards. If wind is observably strong or gusty and causes bottom obstruction due to rippling, swimmers will be cleared from pools until the bottom is visible.
During periods of cool weather, the outdoor pool will not open when the air temperature is below 65˚F.
If the temperature falls below 70˚F the pool will stay open at the discretion of the supervisor on duty.
Limited food is allowed in the Outdoor Pool area and must be cleaned up
Public displays of affection are not allowed in the pool. This includes any touching in a romantic or sexual way.
Spa maximum bather load is 33 people.
Use of the spa is only permitted for those 14 years or older.
Members are recommended to limit their use of the spa to no more than 15 minutes.
Exercise is not allowed in the spa
Swimming underwater in the spa is prohibited. Spa drains can suck hair in, trapping someone underwater.
Walking on or jumping over the Spa is prohibited.
Individuals with pre-existing health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, high or low blood pressure, circulatory problems or diabetes should consult their physician before using the Spa.
Members who are or may be pregnant should consult a physician before using the Spa and should limit their time in the Spa.
Members taking medications should consult a physician before using the Spa.
The Spa should not be used immediately after strenuous exercise.
Use pump cutoff switch in case of an emergency only.
Public displays of affection are not allowed in the spa. This includes any touching in a romantic or sexual way.
Group Lessons
- All individuals taking classes must be Campus Recreation Services members or active students. Those that are not, will not be refunded.
- Classes will not be prorated for late registration, and there will be no make-ups for any missed classes.
Private Lessons
- Cancellations are required 24 hours prior to the swim lesson. Cancellations made within 24 hours will be charged for the swim lesson.
- Refunds for unused lessons will not be considered after 30 days.
- No-shows will be charged for the scheduled swim lesson
Users must be 18 years of age or older to access the Core fitness center or any cardiovascular or weight equipment.
Guests are responsible for using the fitness equipment as it was intended to be used. For example: benches may not be elevated, propped, or inclined separate from design, plyometric boxes may not be stacked in any manner, and Olympic bars may not be used for landmine exercises. Failure to comply may result in suspension or loss of privileges.
Personal equipment is not allowed to be brought in for use.
Please be courteous to other guests using equipment by immediately returning all weights, dumbbells, mats, and bars to their proper areas. Never rest any weights against walls, mirrors, on floor, or on top of benches.
Weights must not be dropped. Always maintain control when exercising. Olympic lifts are allowed only if the weight can be managed and set on floor under control.
The use of chalk or any other lifting substance is prohibited.
Limit the use of cardio equipment to 30 minutes during peak usage times.
Please notify The Core staff of potentially unsafe equipment; never attempt to repair a machine yourself.
It is each guest’s responsibility to wipe off all strength and cardio equipment after each use.
Do not alter fitness center layout (i.e. moving benches, rearranging weight trees, etc.).
Specific activity area equipment needs to stay in designated area. Do not remove any equipment from The Core or The Cove fitness areas.
Use clamps or weight collars each time free weights are used in order to prevent injuries.
We recommend spotters when excessive weight is lifted over the body.
Please use caution when using free weights; use of a partner is recommended.
No open drinks or food allowed. Fluids permitted if contained in a plastic sports bottle with a secured top.
Personal items including, but not limited to, bags, purses, pocketbooks, laptop cases, outerwear and books are to be secured in cubbies or in a day use locker. CRS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. No bags are allowed on the floor or on person while in the fitness center.
No outside personal training and/or instruction is allowed. Only a CRS staff member may provide these services. Providing these services may result in dismissal from the SLC and loss of privileges.
Please allow others waiting for the machine to work into your rotation. Multiple machines may not be exclusively used at the same time, and machines may not be saved for any purpose.
Any activity that may damage the facility/equipment or is deemed unsafe by CRS Staff must be stopped immediately.
Weight belts are not allowed on exercise equipment if the buckle makes contact with the upholstery.
Personal head phone music only.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Bare skin contact on equipment is not recommended. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot. Open-toe shoes, flip flops, Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited.
- Cell phones may be used with head phones for listening to audio or using fitness-related applications.
- The use of any device, including a mobile phone or tablet, for photography and/or videotaping is not allowed unless prior written authorization is obtained from CRS.
- Members are permitted to use electronic handheld tablets with head phones on the Core fitness center for personal viewing and/or audio use.
- Inappropriate use of phones, cameras, and electronic tablets may result in corrective action, up to and including permanent dismissal from the facility.
CRS classes and programs have priority for studios. Use of studios by non-CRS organizations requires rental and/or staff supervision fee.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Bare skin contact on equipment is not recommended. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro. Open-toe shoes, flip flops, Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited. Please note that some activities do not require shoes.
Cycling shoes with cleats are only allowed in Slickrock. Participants should only wear cycling shoes immediately prior to getting on the bike, and remove them immediately after getting off the bike. Our indoor bikes accommodate SPD cleats.
Equipment located in the studios is only available when authorized by CRS. All equipment must remain in designated room.
Mats will be available for Mind + Body classes, but it is recommended that you bring your own. For your health and safety, please spray/wipe your mat after class.
Storage access, including stereo and all equipment, is limited to current instructors.
While participating, handle all equipment properly and return items to designated storage space after class.
No food, gum, or beverages allowed in studios, except fluids in closed, non-spill plastic containers.
Please set your cell phones to silent while classes are in session. Phones and other listening devices are not allowed to be used during class.
Activities which could damage mirrors, windows, walls, or ceiling tiles are strictly prohibited. Members should not lean on or put hands on mirrors.
Personal items such as workout bags, purses, laptop cases, backpacks and books are to be secured on coat racks, in cubbies, or in a day use locker. CRS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. No personal items are allowed on the studio floors.
For participant safety, all classes close 10 minutes after class time begins.
Feel free to work at your own pace and skill level. However, it is discourteous and distracting to do your own routine during a class.
Always wait for the preceding class to end before entering the room.
Instructors will be available 5 minutes before and after class.
Group Fitness Class Passes, or one class passes purchased at Member Services, are required to participate in group fitness classes.
Pre-registration is required to attend each class.
Please be courteous to others on the waitlist and cancel your registration if you find out you will no longer be able to attend the class.
If you do not check in to a class at least five minutes before the start time, your spot may be given to someone on the waitlist or with a one class pass.
No refunds will be given except for:
- Illness or injury with documentation from a medical professional stating the participant should not engage in any physical activity for a period of time
- The participant is no longer enrolled as a student
- The participant is no longer employed at the University of Utah
The Hub will always be set “classroom” arrangement.
Rental groups may move the desks and chairs to better accommodate activity function.
Rental groups are responsible for repositioning furniture back into classroom arrangement.
The Hub is equipped with a whiteboard and whiteboard markers. Groups must use markers provided in room.
Food is only allowed if pre-approved. Fluids permitted if contained in a plastic sports bottle with a secured top.
Groups are responsible to remove large trash items, clean up and report any damage or incidents.
Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is highly recommended that you rent a single use or long term locker to store your valuables.
Semester and annual locker rental is available at Membership Services.
Single use locker rental is available at Gear Central.
Student semester lockers are available for rental the first day of classes each semester at Membership Services on a first come first serve basis. Students must be currently enrolled in credit classes to be eligible.
Locker Punch Cards are available as a service by paying a one-time fee and receiving
15 options of a single use locker rental by receiving a punch for each use. This card
will give the guest a discount from the regular single use locker price. The punch
card is non-refundable.
Single use lockers must be cleared by the end of business hours. Items left in single
use lockers will be removed and placed in Lost and Found for two weeks.
Semester and annual lockers must be cleared and checked-out or renewed at Membership Services before the last day of finals or contract rental termination date.
Items left in lockers at the end of the rental contract period or after the last day of finals will be held in Lost and Found for four weeks and then sent to Lost and Found. Personal items such as soap, razors, underwear, water bottles, washcloths will be disposed of due to sanitary reasons. A $5 clearing fee will be charged to the locker holder.
Always remember to double check your locker when showering or leaving locker area. Lost or stolen locks are subject to a replacement fine by the renter.
Suit dryers are for swimwear ONLY. Do not place any other clothing items in the dryers.
If bringing a child with you who is of the opposite sex and 3+ years old, please use the all-gender restrooms and single-stall shower rooms available outside the Crimson Lagoon Pool.
Student Life Center members and guests are required to use the locker room or other changing room that matches their sex as assigned at birth, unless they have both:
- Changed the gender on their birth certificate.
- Undergone a primary sex characteristic surgical procedure (bottom surgery).
Those who have not amended their birth certificates or undergone surgery may still
use all-gender restrooms and single-stall shower rooms available outside the Crimson
Lagoon Pool.
All children under the age of 18 must be supervised in the locker room at all times.
Student Life Center members and guests are able to use the facilities that match their
gender identities which is in line with University of Utah policy, state and federal
laws, and student conduct rules.
For the privacy of our guests, use of any electronic device with photo and/or filming capabilities of any kind is prohibited in the locker rooms.
Please do not leave your belongings unattended in activity or public access areas such as floors, benches, or ledges. Clothing or equipment must be placed in cubbies or stored in a locker. Any items left in the locker rooms will be taken to Lost and Found for reclaiming. CRS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. A University incident report should be filed at Gear Central in the event of loss or theft.
Please do not hang wet items inside the lockers. Instead, use the suit dryer located in each locker room.
No sitting on countertops.
No food or gum allowed in locker rooms. Fluids permitted if contained in a plastic sports bottle with a secured top.
Please report any maintenance problems or the presence of suspicious individuals in the locker room to any Crimson Crew member.
A fee will be assessed for locker damage caused by negligence or abuse.
Caution: Wet floors in the locker room may be slippery. Please watch your step.
CRS reserves the right to check lockers for safety/security concerns. Members will
be notified should this occur.
Participants must bring their own towels. Towels are only available for purchase,
not rental.
Track spikes are prohibited. Only clean and dry, non-marking shoes are allowed on the track. Any individual found using spikes on the track will be permanently banned from the Eccles Student Life Center.
Spitting on the indoor track is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in removal from the building and suspension of ESLC access privileges.
For the safety of guests, no strollers are allowed on the track.
No standing or loitering allowed on the track.
Be cautious to on-coming traffic when entering or crossing the track.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Shoes are required on the third level when walking or running on track, as well as when using any equipment other than the stretching mats. Bare skin contact on equipment is not recommended. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro. Open-toe shoes, flip flops, Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited.
Stretching and warm-up exercises are not allowed on the track and should occur in the stretching areas.
Personal items including, but not limited to, bags, purses, pocketbooks, laptop cases, outerwear and books are to be secured in cubbies or in a day use locker. Items placed on the track or stretching areas will be taken to Lost and Found for reclaiming. Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Equipment from other areas of the ESLC may NOT be moved to the track or stretching areas. Violators will be asked to leave the building.
Follow posted directional signage.
Stay in correct lane for your appropriate speed and do not interfere with other guests.
Running and jogging is allowed on the inside lanes, walking on the outside lane.
Walk and run in single file only.
Side by side racing, sprinting, or general misbehavior is not allowed on the track.
Children under 18 are NOT permitted on cardio equipment located next to track, even if accompanied by an adult.
For safety and injury prevention, CRS strongly recommends use of wrap or gloves when using either the speed or heavy bags. These are available at Gear Central.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Exception: shoes may be removed when kicking the large bag. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro. Open-toe shoes, flip flops, Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited.
No street shoes. Only clean and dry, non-marking shoes are allowed.
Absolutely no hanging on or from bags or platforms.
Guests may not change air pressure in speedbags.
Bags may not be removed from room.
No sparring of any kind.
Individuals with skin infections, open lesions, or open cuts are not allowed to use equipment.
Individuals are responsible for wiping equipment after use.
Personal items including, but not limited to, bags, purses, pocketbooks, laptop cases, outerwear and books are to be secured in cubbies or in a day use locker. CRS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. No bags are allowed on the floor or on person while in the fitness center
Personal head phone music only.
Only clean and dry, non-marking shoes are allowed in the High Courts, Legacy Gym, and racquetball courts.
For purposes of hygiene, safety, and protection of equipment, participants are required to wear proper workout attire. Shirts, shorts/pants, and appropriate footwear are required. Shorts and shirts must be worn at all times and undergarments must be covered by clothing previously listed. Pants with belts and/or exposed metal (buttons, snaps, rivets and/or zippers) are not permitted.
We consider appropriate footwear to include clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro. Open-toe shoes, flip flops, Crocs or other shoes with no heel or other support are prohibited.
During open recreation, all games are on a challenge court system and self-monitored
(see Challenge Court Guidelines below). Good sporting behavior and proper conduct
are expected at all times.
Shuttlecock feathers and stickers must be cleaned up by players and disposed of after
every use. Further violation will result in loss of scheduled time.
In the High Courts, personal items must be placed in cubbies or in a locker. Any items placed along the baseline or hallway will be taken to Lost and Found for reclaiming. In the Legacy Gym, personal items must be placed in the team bench area or in a locker. Items placed on the play court or in the hallway will be taken to Lost and Found for reclaiming.
Basketball, volleyball, and badminton are the only sports allowed on the High Courts. Basketball, volleyball, pickleball, table tennis, futsal (indoor soccer), and any approved Intramural Sports activity, are the only sports allowed in the Legacy Gym. Note: Indoor soccer balls (futsal balls) are the only soccer balls allowed for indoor play in Legacy Gym.
Players under the age of 18 must be playing with or directly supervised by a parent and/or legal guardian.
Due to safety and maintenance concerns, the following activities are prohibited:
- Spitting
- Dunking, grabbing, hanging from the rim or nets, or hand in the cylinder
- Kicking or throwing of a basketball and/or other sports equipment toward the ceiling, windows, track, or score boards
- Abuse of property
- Aggressive behavior and/or fighting
Violators will be asked to leave the facility immediately and further disciplinary action may be given, including suspension from the ESLC and financial reimbursement for damages.
Verbal and/or physical abuse of any CRS staff or ESLC participants will result in immediate suspension from the ESLC, with a possible one-year suspension from all CRS activities, expulsion from the University and/or legal charges filed.
Organized activities such as Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs, or special events have priority over open recreation.
Volleyball, badminton, pickleball, and table tennis will be set-up during specified times. Please visit our web site for a list of the drop-in times.
Guests are not permitted to alter or modify volleyball net set-up. Please ask a CRS staff member for assistance.
challenge court guidelines
- Applies to basketball, volleyball, pickleball, and badminton
- To challenge, a team or individual must verbally note that challenge has been issued.
- No one presently playing may call next game.
- The challenging person or team must remain courtside and ready to play.
- The challenging individual determines make-up of his/her team.
- The losing team must vacate the court.
- Upon winning three consecutive games, the winning team must exit the court if other players are waiting.
Full-court games take priority at all times. Half-court games must yield to full-court game when two 5-player teams are ready and no other courts are available. The half-court game must be allowed to finish prior to full-court play.
Rules are self-governed.
All games, full-court and half-court, are played to 11 points in increments of 1s and 2s, win by 1.
Games are played with rally scoring to 21 points, win by 2 points.
Games are played to 5 goals, win by 1 goal.
Games are played to 15 points, win by 1 point.
Games are played to 11 points, win by 2 points.
Table Tennis
Matches are played best 2-of-3 games. Games are played to 11 points, win by 2 points.
All racquets must have protective non-marking guards.
Only non-marking balls are permitted.
It is strongly recommended that protective eye guards be worn.
Must be an eligible facility participant to reserve a court.
Courts may be reserved up to one day in advance by calling Gear Central at (801) 587-7253. The individual making the reservation must give his/her name and phone number.
Reservations are 55 minutes, with the exception of the closing hour, in which court reservation is 45 minutes. All equipment must be returned to Gear Central 10 minutes prior to closing.
Courts may only be reserved for one hour per day.
Back-to-back reservations are prohibited. An individual may only play for one hour per day, even if the partner/opponent changes.
If the court is available after a reservation ends, the players must check-in again at Gear Central to reserve the court for the next hour.
A 10 minute courtesy rule is in effect. After 10 minutes, the reservation is voided and the court becomes available.
Outdoor facilities
Athletics is the priority user of facility Monday-Friday from 12:00-6:00pm and Saturday from 8:00am-12:00pm.
CRS is the priority user of the facility Monday-Friday from sunrise-12:00pm and 6:00pm-sunset, Saturday 12:00pm-sunset and all daylight hours on Sunday, weather permitting.
Lanes 1-3 and all pit areas (high jump, long jump, triple jump, pole-vault) are only available for use by Athletics and will remain closed to CRS and general community use unless prior approval is given by Athletics.
The North gate will be designated for general access.
No track access is allowed during lacrosse practices and/or any competitive games.
All other CRS guidelines apply to this facility.
Individuals who use the facility, do so at their own risk. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to using UFCUP Field.
All UFCUP Field policies and procedures must be followed by all participants and spectators.
Any sponsoring organization or individual using UFCUP Field assumes responsibility for maintaining the condition of facility during its use. The organization or individual will be responsible for all damage, or misuse of University facilities or equipment, including any misuse or conduct of participants, guests or spectators. The organization or individual will be held liable for reimbursement to the University for any such damage or loss.
Individuals using UFCUP Field are responsible for damage casued to private property on or in the vacinity of the playfield.
Those using UFCUP Field must adhere to all applicable parking regulations.
Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost of stolen items
All rental no-shows will be assessed the entire rental fee. A no-show is designated by failure of the organization to be present 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of the event
Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to assign or restrict the use of UFCUP Field.
All groups must comply with University policies, UFCUP Field policies and/or the Student Code of Conduct.
Requests for events must be athletic or recreational in nature, suitable to the facility, and approved by CRS.
Individuals who use the facility, do so at their own risk. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to using Crimson Field.
All Crimson Field policies and procedures must be followed by all participants and spectators.
Any sponsoring organization or individual using Crimson Field assumes responsibility for maintaining the condition of facility during its use. The organization or individual will be responsible for all damage, or misuse of University facilities or equipment, including any misuse or conduct of participants, guests or spectators. The organization or individual will be held liable for reimbursement to the University for any such damage or loss.
Individuals using Crimson Field are responsible for damage casued to private property on or in the vacinity of the playfield.
Those using Crimson Field must adhere to all applicable parking regulations.
Campus Recreation Services is not responsible for lost of stolen items
All rental no-shows will be assessed the entire rental fee. A no-show is designated by failure of the organization to be present 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of the event
Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to assign or restrict the use of Crimson Field.
All groups must comply with University policies, Crimson Field policies and/or the
Student Code of Conduct.
Requests for events must be athletic or recreational in nature, suitable to the facility,
and approved by CRS.
In order to provide a positive experience for all guests, we ask that you follow the simple rules and guidelines that have been implemented for your safety. Campus Recreation Services (CRS) reserves the right to implement any of the following rules or guidelines in order to protect the health, safety, experience, and well-being of all Lassonde Sport Court guests. The courts are designed for free self-directed play for University of Utah students.
Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participating in Campus Recreation Services activities. Individuals participate in Campus Recreation Services programs and use facilities at their own risk.
Basketball and volleyball nets are permanently in place and are adjusted, when needed, by CRS. Basketballs and volleyballs are available for check-out, with ID at the Lassonde Studios. Sand rake and push broom are available courtside.
University Guidelines
Players participate at their own risk and are responsible for harm to person or property
Place trash in proper receptacles or take with you upon completion of play
No pets are allowed on the Lassonde Sport Courts. Exceptions: Service Animals
University policy prohibits possession and consumption of alcohol
Report any broken or damaged equipment to CRS at 801-581-8898
Please check the CRS website frequently for any court reservations or closures www.campusrec.utah.edu
Vandalizing signs, equipment, or landscaping is an offense that will result in disciplinary action
Participants with multiple violations will be permanently banned from play
Please respect the course
Court Guidelines
Due to safety and maintenance concerns, the following activities are prohibited:
- Dunking, grabbing, hanging from the nets, or hand in the cylinder
- Abuse of property Aggressive behavior and/or fighting
To challenge, a team or individual must verbally note that the challenge has been issued
The challenging person or team must remain courtside and ready to play
The challenging individual determines make-up of team
The losing team must vacate the court
No one presently playing may call the next game
Upon winning three consecutive games, the winning team must exit the court if other players are waiting
Players must exit the court upon arrival of a prior reserved group. Check CRS website for court schedule
Full-court games take priority at all times. Half-court games must yield to full-court game when two 5-player teams are ready and no other courts are available. The half-court game must be allowed to finish prior to full-court play.
Rules are self-governed.
All games, full-court and half-court, are played to 11 points in increments of 1s and 2s, win by 1.
Games are played with rally scoring to 21 points, win by 2 points.
Individuals use the disc golf course at your own risk. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to using the disc golf course.
University and CRS policies and procedures must be followed by all participants and spectators.
University policy prohibits possession and consumption of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs
All course users must adhere to university pet policy. Owners/guardians are responsible for cleaning up after their animals (Policy 3-231).
Minors must be supervised at all times by a parent or legal guardian.
Place trash in proper receptacles, or take with you upon completion of play.
Those using the disc golf course must adhere to all applicable parking regulations
Be respectful to other disc golf course users and other facility users, included but not limited to sand volleyball & basketball court users, sports teams using athletic fields.
Campus Recreation Services reserves the right to reserve or restrict the use of the disc golf course at any time
Never throw discs when players or pedestrians are within range. Always give pedestrians and other players the right of way. Be aware of your surroundings and environment at all times.
Out of bounds discs area one stroke penalty. Out of bound areas include but are not limited to permanent water hazards, public roads, parking lots, and locked fields. Unauthorized access into locked or unopened facilities is trespassing. Discs that are lost in unauthorized areas should not be retrieved.
Please call CRS at 801-581-8898 to report a lost disc on a field or water hazard
CRS will retrieve lost discs periodically and house them in the lost & found at the Student Life Center
Individuals using the disc golf course are responsible for damage to private property on or in the vicinity of the playfield
Report any broken or damaged equipment to CRS at 801-581-8898
The University and Campus Recreation Services are not responsible for lost or stolen
By playing and using the course, you agree to adhere to all polices listed above and
University polices not stated.
Sport & fitness programs
Participant Responsibility
Participants should be aware that participation may expose them to certain foreseeable and unforeseeable risks such as, but not limited to illness, infectious disease, injury, medical emergencies or even death. The Fitness Program can be highly strenuous and individuals are advised to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participation. Individuals participate in Campus Recreation Services programs and facilities at their own risk.
Class Registration
Registration is non-transferable. You must be a current semester U of U student or Campus Rec Services member to participate in fitness program classes at the Eccles Student Life Center. If a class is full, and a registered participant is not at the studio and checked in 5 minutes prior to the start time, their spot may be given to another participant who did not get a spot and is waiting at the studio.
Class Refunds
No refunds will be given, except for: illness or injury with documentation from a medical professional stating the participant should not engage in any physical activity for a period of time, the participant is no longer enrolled as a student, or the participant is no longer employed at the University of Utah.
Fitness Studios
All group fitness participants must adhere to CRS policies. Clean, non-marking, closed toed shoes with a sole and secured to the foot via laces or Velcro are required, except for mind/body classes. Cycle shoes with cleats may only be worn in Slickrock and must only be put on immediately before getting on the bike, and must be taken off immediately after getting off the bike. Our bikes can accomodate SPD clips. It is recommended that you bring a water bottle to all fitness classes. It is recommended that you bring your own yoga mat to mind/body classes, but we also have plenty for you to use during the class.
Workshop/Special Event Refunds
A full refund will be issued to participants if a class is cancelled. (All refunds for cancelled classes must be requested and processed within 30 days of class cancellation.)
All refunds for self-selected withdrawal from a class must be requested to kc.olson@crs.utah.edu at least 24 hours before the workshop/event begins. Requests made within 24 hours will not be refunded.
Class Changes & Cancellations
The Fitness Program Class Schedule is subject to change due to low enrollment, instructor availability, personal emergencies, and illness. See my.campusrec.utah.edu for the most up-to-date schedule.
There are no make-ups for missed classes.
- Clients must be students or CRS members and at least 18 years old.
- All fitness center policies apply to clients and training sessions.
- Sessions must be purchased prior to training.
- All cancellations must be made by the client 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, unless it is an emergency and a medical excuse is provided.
- Sessions that are not cancelled by the client 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will forfeit in payment.
- Clients have six months to complete purchased sessions.
- No refunds will be given except for: illness or injury with documentation from a medical professional stating the client should not engage in any physical activity for a period of time, the client is no longer enrolled as a student, or the client is no longer employed at the University of Utah.
- Sessions are non-transferrable.
Game times and field use will be limited to 30 minutes if there are other participants waiting to use the space. Half-field games are encouraged when space is limited and there are groups that are wanting to use space for different sports.
Sports equipment is available from the Intramural Sports that will be on site. Soccer balls, football, ultimate Frisbees and soccer goals will be available for check out. A Student ID is required to check out equipment and will be held till the equipment is returned.
All individuals participating must wear appropriate footwear and behave in a respectful manner to other participants and staff members. The following are prohibited from the outdoor spaces: alcoholic beverages, food, drinks (other than water), tobacco products, gum, or sunflower seeds.