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Rec Wellness Blog

How To Ease Back Into Gym Workouts

woman lifting

As gyms and fitness studios begin re-opening based on CDC and state and local guidelines, it is important to ease yourself back into heavy resistance training. Read these tips to ensure a safe and healthy return. *Note: Campus Recreation Services continues to follow University directives regarding opening of The Student Life Center. Thank you for your patience!

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Creative Wellness Ideas

caring for houseplants

While mindfulness and meditation has seen a surge in popularity, sometimes sitting in a quiet place and clearing your mind might not be for everyone. Creative wellness is a great alternative to traditional meditation techniques, and can give you very similar outcomes such as increased happiness, decreased stress, and better thought processing.

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6 Minute Finger Protection Session

climbing in outdoors

Climbing is hard on the fingers. If you climb and/or train frequently then there's a good chance you've experienced finger pain and perhaps even an overuse injury. So, what can you do to reduce your risk of these finger injuries?

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Last Updated: 8/10/21